We gather together

We gather together

Another month has passed as we move through 2022.  Seems like only yesterday we were talking about how hot it was or how the humidity makes everyone miserable.  Remember those days where the temperature spiked over 100?

Now we are fully entrenched in the wonderful crisp days of Autumn.  This week we celebrate Thanksgiving.  Kids are out of school for the break.  Parents are planning big meals and checking the schedule for the football games or holiday favorites.  Grandparents are looking forward to seeing the family for a wonderful celebration of family.

As we ventured North to Wisconsin for Teslacon, I was impressed with how congenial and really pleasant everyone we met treated us.  From bartenders with great recommendations for places to visit to locals being helpful in directing us around town.  

It seems people are people no matter where you go.  We all want to connect.  We all want to belong. Community is a strong pull to bring us together.

When I teach a class on how to shave or barbering history, I always mention how the barbershop became a place for social discourse.  Whether it was discussing the latest fashion craze, political intrigue, or how well the high school football team was doing that week, it became a place for people to come together.

One thing I have noticed over the many weeks of doing live shaves, we have created our own little "barbershop community."  We have a regular group of people who come together - usually to poke fun at my goofball nature.  I have found these videos to be a great comfort and a way for me to stay grounded.

 As we move through the next few weeks and into the holiday season, know we here at Dr. Mike's are thankful for each and every person who wants to become part of this "family."  YOU are why we do this - and we appreciate your support and we thank you for being with us.

Now, hand me another piece of pie...